
How COVID Has Changed My Cycling Mindset As an aging road runner, cycling found its way into my heart forever back in my mid 40’s. Through a friend’s suggestion I ride a 50 miler with her, I discovered a great workout that didn’t hurt my back quite as much as running had. I soon realized that I felt like a kid every time I got on a bicycle. The freedom of moving through the air on a machine powered solely by me…and gravity…absolutely delicious…downhills are the B E S T :)…uphills not so much :/. I hadn’t ridden too much since I stopped triathlon training in my early 20’s. I’m now at 20 years of constant cycling and years past setting goals by way of registering for events. When I register for an event, it drives me to set goals for mileage and climbing, so as to complete the event with pride, rather than killing myself and calling for a SAG wagon.  I eventually began to do these events for charities and causes I feel passionately about, raising money…essentially marrying 2 passi